Conditions for University Hostels Admission

  • 1- The applicant must be a non-resident of Minia city and its centers (Samalout, Abu Qurqas and their villages) , which are less than 30 km from the university headquarters, and it is not permissible to exceed the condition except the approval of the competent authority.
  • 2-The applicant must be regular enrolled university students, unmarried student, or transferred from another university and not to be a failure student .
  • 3- The exception of regular students with special needs is limited to approve disabilities cases: ( Polio - blind - amputation of one or both legs). .
  • 4- The applicant must not have been subjected to disciplinary punishment inside or outside the hostel (expelled) or the absence period has exceeded thirty continuous or separate days.
  • 5- Accepted student must pay all fees and fulfil any financial obligations.
  • 6- Accepted student must enrolled in the faculty and paid all tuition fees
  • 7-The accommodation is annually, so that at the end of each academic year, student must do his disclaimer and then applying at the beginning of academic year, according to the announced terms and conditions.
  • 8- Student’s guardian must provide proof of the health and psychological fitness of the student and pure from infectious diseases under a signed declaration signed by the student and the guardian. In case of infraction, the student is separated until the treatment is completed and bring approval from general medical commission.
  • 7-Students must keep their rooms and cupboards clean and they mustn't throw litter and paper in their rooms so they can throw it in the trash cans that are located in front of each room .
  • 8-Students should not stick any posters or sticker or write any phrases on the rooms walls or cupboards and if this happens, the student will bear the repairing costs.
  • 9-Each student must has a disclaimer from the hostel, three days from the end of the exam. In case of hasn’t a disclaimer, it will be administratively evacuated within one month of the end of the exam, and is deprived of residence in the following year and the faculty is notified.
  • 10-Postponing the accommodation of every student who has been punished even to pay a financial fine.
  • 11-Cases excluded from the conditions of admission are accepted with the approval of the competent authority (university president and deputies).